Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Mothers' love always remain the ultimate, ignoring the sufferings around her

1999: On the March An ethnic Albanian woman feeds her baby as she and 2,000 more Kosovo refugees walk along a muddy track after they were allowed to enter Macedonia on March 30. The refugees were fleeing one of a series of violent ethnic conflicts fought in the former Yugoslavia during the 1990s and 2001.
What would have happened if all the five elements of earth unleashed its anger in the same way!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My blog was down for a while, may be for atleast 2 weeks.. So I thought the blogspot guys must have removed it completely from the server because of the rumour that I am consuming too much space with not very useful texts but with snaps that would scare the children away..hmmm. So I hope you guys are doing well.. I understand that all of you have missed me for a while!!!!!!!.. ok ok, not much; Rite?... So guys, keep following my blog and free free to let me know your suggestions so that I would be able to maintain my blog in a better way.... Your suggestions would always be my guide..
Thanks guys
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
This is 2D and not 3D...

This is one of the worlds best painting.... And its not 3D yaar...... But the hard work can be seen on the painting as well as the appreciation on the faces of those who are in the gallery.... There is no much crowd on the 300th day of this painting.... Oh god.. This is the 300th day after the release...awesome
Got Dumped?... Ha ha ha .. Try out this ritual.....
Sometimes you never see it coming. Or you may have chosen to ignore the obvious signs. Whatever her final words before the exit, the sting is never easy to bear. just try out this ritual before facing the world with a new look
Whether it be on the school/college dating scene or when you’re supposedly ‘old enough’ to take the world at face value, it is never fun getting dumped. But it’s no use crying over spilt milk, a and the time ahead is one for payback!
The first step: Get it clear, straight from her mouth. Is it really over? If she says so, then she doesn’t deserve another chance, does she? So it’s time to get her out of your system.
Delete her phone number from your mobile’s phonebook. Trash all SMS and love notes. Scour through the gifts she gave you. Throw away everything useless. But if something looks useful, why not keep it?
Can you find that one photograph of hers in which she thought she looked awful, or even fat? The one in which you lied to her that she looked gorgeous as usual? Pull it out from your collection and get it printed poster-size. And then, use it as a dart-board!
The cleansing ritual
Take up a pen and paper. Hang on; don’t go for the heartrending poetry yet (Although that does work in impressing other girls at times). List out her negative points – each and everyone of them. Chances are, you’ll soon be reading that list over and over again, asking yourself, “Why did I ever fall in love with that girl?”. Don’t stop at that. Burn the list, along with other memorabilia. Watch the pieces of paper dance in the flames. At the risk of causing a fire hazard, I must give you this. If you want the cleansing to be deep, douse the list with her favourite brand of perfume before burning!
And if you are one for the bizarre theatrics, save the ash and use it a la vermillion to mark your forehead. It lends you an ethnic charm, which is trendy these days. It is a gamble, I admit. A few girls may think it is stupid, but for the dark side enthusiast, it could make you look dashing and that extra bit sexy.
The aftermath
So once the ritual is done, it is time to see what effect it has on you now. Pick up a dart, throw it on your new dartboard/ex-girlfriend and get out there, with a couple of friends – the kind who won’t be stupid enough to ask you about her. Hit a few of your hangouts and make it clear that you are single and looking out.
Steer clear of anyone who reminds you of your ex. Go for a different kind of girl this time round. If your girlfriend had curly hair, look for girls with straight hair. If she had a nose-ring, look for one without. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
To sign off, let me give you a line I picked up at a time when I could have used this ritual:
“Never frown, even when you are sad. You never know who is falling in love with your smile”
PS: This piece of note is not mine.. But i thought , this can have a place on my blog...
If you think you cannot burn the dream note, photos etc.. then leave it... let it be on the same place... You will definitely find it useful sometime in future...
Dont let the hatred go away just like that.. let it stay with in...convert the hatred to a sort of stubbornness... be hard as rock... dont give a chance for anyone to shape you .. but let them get shaped by your ways... hey i think thats too much.. but still if its possible.. go ahead and shape the world with the hatred inside you... so in short.. NEVER LET THE HATRED GET VANISHED FROM WITHIN YOU......
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Lincoln & Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost a child while living in the White House.
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Now it gets really weird...
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.
John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.
Now hang on to your seats....
Lincoln was shot at the theater named "Ford."
Kennedy was shot in a car called "Lincoln" made by "Ford."
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.
And here's the "kicker":-
A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.
Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a
Sunday, January 18, 2009
An eye on the yachts ------- US-NAVY TEAM

The Maltese Falcon, a clipper sailing luxury yacht owned by U.S. venture capitalist Tom Perkins, sails into San Francisco Bay September 27, 2008. At 289.1 feet (88 metres), the vessel is one of the largest privately owned sailing yachts in the world
Love to experience these instances.

The Romanian tall-ship Mircea sails into Brest harbour in Brittany, western France, July 10, 2008 to take part in the Brest 2008 international maritime festival.

Volvo Ocean Race yacht Puma arrives off Cape Town, South Africa in second place during the first stage of the 2008-2009 Volvo Ocean Race November 2, 2008

A figure from Antony Gormley's "Another Place" welcomes one of the Tall Ships to Merseyside as it sails past the Burbo Bank windfarm on the approach to the Port of Liverpool on July 18, 2008, Liverpool, England
Hey its getting crowded............

yachts are real happenings.... experience it...........

Last December the maxi yacht "Wild Oats XI" won the 2008 Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, sailing 630 nautical miles (1,170 km) in one day, 20 hours and 34 minutes. The Volvo Ocean Race, a 10-leg round-the-world race started in October and will continue until June. The Tall Ships Atlantic Challenge 2009 will start in April, and training sessions are now underway. Sailing as a modern and historic undertaking is alive and well around the world, here are a few photos of sailing events from the past year.